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We are one church with multiple ways of gathering.

See something you'd like to attend? Click "Find out more..." and enter your details. Our small group leaders will contact you with more information about the next meeting. There's something for everyone!

  • Beacon Youth Church
    Beacon Youth Church
    Wednesdays 6pm (term time only)
    The Beacon, TS8 0TF
    A group that meets on Wednesday evenings for young people in school years 6-11. Led by our youth leader Jenna and team.
  • Morning Prayer Group
    Morning Prayer Group
    Mondays 9:30am (every other week)
    1 Montrose Close, TS7 8LA
    Join us as we spend time praying together for our church and community. Anyone is welcome.
  • Senior's Friendship Group
    Senior's Friendship Group
    Mondays 2pm (term time only)
    Alderwood, TS8 0SZ
    A small group open to all seniors. A warm and welcoming atmosphere where participants can make friendships and take part in various activities.
  • Tuesday Small Group
    Tuesday Small Group
    Tuesdays 7:30pm (every other week)
    The Beacon, TS8 0TF
    A small group where anyone is welcome. Meeting every other Tuesday evening, led by Andrew Waugh and Debi Lowrie.
  • Women's Small Group
    Women's Small Group
    Wednesdays 10:30am (every other week)
    The Beacon, TS8 0TF
    A wonderful group specifically for women to share, encourage and pray together. All women welcome.
  • Thursday Small Group
    Thursday Small Group
    Thursdays 12pm (every other week)
    The Beacon, TS8 0TF
    A lunchtime small group where anyone is welcome for community, Bible study and prayer.
  • Men's Small Group
    Men's Small Group
    Thursdays 7pm (every other week)
    The Beacon, TS8 0TF
    A small group where all men are welcome. Come enjoy community, pray and share together and study the Bible with a casual atmosphere.
  • Acklam House Group
    Acklam House Group
    Thursdays 7:30pm (every other week)
    Various locations
    A small group hosted at various member's homes around, but not limited to Acklam. We build friendships, study the Bible and pray together. Everyone is welcome.
  • WhatsApp Small Group
    WhatsApp Small Group
    Flexible times
    We know that not everyone has the flexibility to regularly leave home to join an in-person small group. Whether you have small children, are a carer, or physical limitations, technology allows us ways to still support each other, pray and study the Bible.
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